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Keynote Speakers

Ed Munro

University of Chicago
Friday Keynote Lecture

Cat Schrankel

San Diego State University
Young Investigator Keynote

Yaniv Elkouby

Hebrew University of Jerusalem
EMBO Young Investigator Lecture

Ellen Rothenberg

Eric Davidson Memorial Lecture

Provisional Program

Pre-Meeting Trainee Workshop (Location TBD)

Genetic Approaches in Lytechinus pictus
Moderators: Amro Hamdoun (Scripps Institution of Oceanography)

14:30 – 15:30

Coffee Break
Methods in Image Analysis
Moderators: Brad Shuster (NMSU) and Vanessa Barone (Stanford)

16:00 – 17:00

Workshop attendance is limited. 

Plenary Session: Introduction & Welcome to DBSUMI XXVIII
Clapp Auditorium, Lillie Building

19:00 - 21:00

EMBO Young Investigator Lecture: Yaniv Elkouby, Hebrew University of Jerusalem

Early Investigator Lecture: Cat Schrankel, San Diego State University

Social Mixer
Meigs Room, Swope Center

21:00 - 23:00

Meet the Organizers of DBSUMI XXVIII

Headshots of scientists on the organizing committee

Jr-Kai Sky Yu

Academia Sinica

Headshots of scientists on the organizing committee

Smadar Ben Tabou de Leon

University of Haifa

Headshots of scientists on the organizing committee

Elaine Seaver

Whitney Marine Laboratory

Headshots of scientists on the organizing committee

Zak Swartz

Marine Biological Laboratory

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